Fr. Edward Reynolds 1908 -1915
Fr. James O'Grady 1915 -1921
Fr. Edmund Sheehy 1921-1924
Fr. Thomas Lilley C.M. 1924 -1925
Fr. Charles Edwards 1925 -1927
Fr. Cornelius Reardon 1927-1929
Fr. James OGrady 1929 -1933
Msgr. Patrick Connors 1933-1936
Msgr. John Lambe 1937-1950
Msgr. John Smith 1950 -1953
Msgr.Thomas Collins 1953-1955
Msgr. William Devlin 1955-1957
Msgr. James Empey 1957-1962
Msgr. Thomas Collins 1962 -1977
Fr. Phillip O'Donnell 1977- 2001
Fr. Timothy Wehn 2001- 2011
Fr. David Casaleggio 2011-2014
Fr. Richard Philiposki SChr 2014 - 2016
Fr. Tadeusz Winnicki SChr 2016 -2020
Fr. Slawomir Murawka 2020-2021 Fr. Richard Philiposki SChr. 2021-2022
Fr. Serge Anhur S. Chr Present
Many other priests served as parochial vicars or weekend assistants at various times.
All Catholics should be registered at some parish. We welcome all regardless of where they live to be part of the family of Saint Joan of Arc Histroric Parish. All parishioners should in someway share their time, talent and treasure (financial support) and if possible be active in some parish ministry. Coupons for parish membership are found in all bulletins (that may be returned in the collection basket) or call the parish office.
Parish members are asked to accept and use offering envelopes that can be returned in the collection basket or mailed in.
The history of our parish goes back to the beginnings of Las Vegas. Shortly after the town was founded in 1905 with the laying of the tracks(Union Pacific) came workers to work for the railroad. It is estimated that by 1908 among the 700 residents there were around 70 Catholics. The first priests would make monthly visits to celebrate Mass in rented halls or homes. They came from other parishes in Nevada or UtahTwould come by train . The Bishop Lawrence Scalan of Salt Lake City sometimes himself came by overnight train to Las Vegas to celebrate Mass until the first priest was appointed pastor- Father Edward Reynolds in 1908. Land was purchased on Second Street (now Casino Center Blvd) in 1909 and the first church, a small wooden structture called the cottage chapel was constructed in 1910. The church could seat but 40 people. The second pastor, Father James O'Grady enlarged the church during his pastorate. In the early thirties the church again was enlarged as Las Vegas population was growing. In 1938 there were 800 parishioners and plans were drawn for a new church (the present one) which was dedicated on October 2, 1940. The pastor at the time was Father Donald Carmody. In 1941, the beautiful Grotto to Our Lady of Lourdes was built by David Lorenzi, a early pioneer of Las Vegas
The next need of the parish and Catholic community was a Catholic grade school . In 1944 an entire square block between Bridger, Lewis, 13th and 14th street was purchased for a school. Las Vegas first Catholic School under the patronage of Saint Joseph opened in 1948 to serve not only Saint Joan of Arc Parish but the newly established parishes of St. James, St. Bridget and St Anne. Our parish had the resonsibility of administration and financial support. The Dominican Sisters of Adrian, Michigan came to staff the school and remained until 1988. When the nuns left lay teachers took over administration of the school until the unfortunate closing in in May, 2013.
As the population grew, the city and its residents spread out in all directions Many new parishes were established beginning in the 1940's. The number of registered parishioners declined, but many tourist visitors who stay in the downtown casino hotels come to our church for Mass. Especially noteworthy are a large number of visiting Catholics from Hawaii that attend our church.
We are hoping to grow again with local Catholics as we improve parking ,provide social fellowship space and activities and beautify the liturgy in our more traditionally styled church.
The first Catholic school in Las Vegas was established in 1948. The school was built about one miles east of the church. It was to the very end (2013) the responsibility of St. Joan of Arc Parish. Intially it served also children from St. Bridget, St. James and St. Ann Parish. Sisters of the Holy Family and later Dominican Sisters (Adrian, MI) taught at the school and in later years exclusively lay teachers.
Many generations of Las Vegas Catholics had their elementary education at St. Joseph's. The school suffered from declining enroillment and mounting costs that the parish could no longer afford to subsidize. The school was closed in 2013 and sold in 2014 to Clark County School District and has since become a Quest Academy Charter School.
School records will be turned over to the state of Nevada and be kept in Carson City.
We will honor the memory of the St. Joseph School by naming our social felllowship hall after St. Joseph. We plan to have a changeable display of memorabilia from the school.